Think about your soul
Singing Bowls
Playing and learning with all senses
A workshop for educators, teachers, parents, grandparents and anyone who wants to use singing bowls with children.
Prerequisite: none
Date: New date coming soon
Time: 16:00 Germany
Time converter:
Duration: 5 hours
More information:
Singing bowls stimulate all the senses. They shine golden, and when you touch them with your fingertips or make them sound with a mallet, a diverse sound is heard. This sets both an acoustic and vibro-tactile stimulus and thus stimulates auditory and somatosensory-motor perception, i.e. hearing and feeling, at the same time.
The sound attracts attention and touches in an emotionally soothing way. In this workshop you will learn about support games with singing bowls that are wonderful to implement with children.
The plays:
Teaches sensory perception, which is the central basis for communication and learning.
Motivate the children and thereby strengthen their concentration and perseverance.
Strengthen children's social and communication skills.
Promote gross and fine motor skills.
Stimulate the imagination and thus promote creativity as an important basis for problem-solving skills.