The effect of singing bowls during pregnancy

The overtone-rich sounds of the singing bowls invite the expectant mother to come to rest and, carried by the sound, to immerse herself in pleasant relaxation. At the same time, the sounds convey security and stabilize one's own center.
It is always very touching to experience how the child in the belly also comes to rest during a sound application, because the vibrations of the singing bowls are transmitted through the amniotic fluid and gently envelop the child.
From the 18th week of pregnancy, the embryo already begins to hear and from the 8th week of pregnancy, fetuses respond to touch from the outside. From the 14th week of pregnancy, it can already perceive touch with almost all parts of the body (Hüther, 2008, p. 69). Sound massage gently stimulates both senses. Feelings of security, protection and safety arise for both the mother and the child and promote the emergence of an intensive mother-child relationship.
In the article "Why is a sound massage so beneficial" you will find more information about the effect of the sounds.
How are singing bowls used during pregnancy?
There are several ways to accompany a pregnancy with sound: once the sound meditation where the singing bowls sound in the room and once the sound massage, where the sound and vibration of the singing bowls can be experienced directly on the body.
During the sound massage for pregnant women, the singing bowls are placed on the clothed body or next to the body and gently struck. It is important to bring the pregnant woman into a relaxed position so that she can feel good all around. The father-to-be can also make himself comfortable next to the couch and enjoy the sounds.
In any case, make sure that only high-quality singing bowls such as the therapy singing bowls are used so that the sounds can develop their positive effect.
The sound massage for pregnant women is carried out by experienced Peter Hess® sound massage practitioners, usually from the 4th month of pregnancy up to and including 6 weeks before birth.
Quotes from pregnant women and accompanying midwives:
"The sound is like a path that leads me to my child. I feel a much stronger connection to my baby than I used to without sound. Sound just creates resonance." Anna Avramidou
"My baby is always kicking a lot in the belly and was very calm during the sound massage, so I also calmed down well and could totally relax. I now feel strengthened, safe and am content, happy and cheerful." (annonymous)
"In my last pregnancy I received a sound massage as a gift. I can definitely agree that it was such a relaxing experience, both for me and for my baby. The singing bowls gave off such a wonderful sound, I felt like I was resonating. This is an experience every pregnant woman should have." Natalie Brandner
"Sound massage during pregnancy is indeed a great enrichment for mother and child - and also for me, as accompanying midwife. In the - audible silence - deep health-promoting relaxation becomes possible. The powerful connection of mother and child becomes so clearly perceptible and the healthy, nature and naturalness of pregnancy and birth comes into focus." Lisa Menge, midwife.
A sound meditation for pregnancy

It is most beautiful when a close person reads the meditation aloud and also sounds the heart singing bowl, which is very suitable for this purpose. The beauty of working with the singing bowls is that the person playing the singing bowls can also enjoy the sounds.
Perhaps the partner would also like to hold the expectant mother in his or her arms during the meditation. The idea here is to try out what is good for all of you together, so that you can enjoy a loving togetherness while listening to the sounds.
Meditation Text:
"Lie down comfortably, take your heart bowl and place it either on your chest or if you are lying on your side in front of you so that you can sound it comfortably.
Feel the flow of your breath.
Notice how clean breath flows deeply into you
and your abdominal wall gently rises.
Tone your heart singing bowl to match.
Enjoy the gentle sounds and vibrations for a few minutes.
Be completely with yourself.
Now imagine how your breath expands further and further to your baby and fills it with energy.
Gently support the path of the breath with the sounds of your heart bowl.
Your little treasure is safe and protected inside you.
Maybe it has become curious and lively through the sounds - maybe it is dreaming and is quite calm.
And it could be that you try to imagine what it might look like.
Feel the connection with your little one.
Sometimes you can see inside yourself,
which opens delicately like a flower with each inhalation, allowing you a glimpse of your little one.
Just for a moment.
So beautiful.
With the exhalation, the blossom closes, giving your child warmth and security.
Repeat the exercise for a few minutes.
And you'll be calm and serene. You are doing well."
This sound meditation was provided by Ramona Bannert.
What should be considered when using singing bowls during pregnancy?
It is important to use high-quality singing bowls, such as the Peter Hess® therapy singing bowls, which you can find at hess klangkonzepte. They have an excellent and repeatedly tested sound and vibration quality, so that the sounds can fully develop their positive effects.
For pregnant women

If you would like to be accompanied during your pregnancy with the sounds of the singing bowls, make sure that you find a practitioner who has a sound training in sound massage and preferably also a further training on the subject of "Accompanying pregnancy with sound", as offered by the Peter Hess® Institute. At our professional association you will find a list of qualified providers* worldwide and can easily find someone near you.
For practitioners: Seminar Accompanying Pregnancy with Sound
In this seminar, the experienced midwife Connie Henning will show you a variety of ways in which you can accompany your pregnancy wonderfully with singing bowls.
Pregnancy is a special time of development and formative for the expectant mother and the child. The sounds of the singing bowls in the room or during a sound massage can gently accompany this process and allow a deep immersion into the original knowledge that every woman naturally carries within herself. The sounds can convey a sense of security to both the mother and the child and thus contribute to a positively experienced pregnancy and birth. Also the self-awareness does not come too briefly in this seminar, further information to the seminar "pregnancy accompany with sound".
Further information summarized:
Read an experience report about a pregnancy and birth in the sound room.
Another suitable seminar on this topic is the seminar "Urvertrauen - Wandlung".
You can find high quality therapy singing bowls at hess klangkonzepte either online or in the local store.
Professional sound massage providers can be found on the list of providers of the professional association of Peter Hess® sound methods, the International Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V.