Peter Hess® was born in Germany, near a beautiful city called Fulda.
He graduated as Diplom_Ingeniur. After a first trip to India in 1966, he had his first experience with traditional sounds and singing bowls in 1984 with the German professor of ethnomusicology Gert-Matthias Wegner in Bhaktapur, Nepal.
As an educator and engineer of physical technology, Peter Hess® quickly recognized the therapeutic value.
Two years later Peter Hess founded an "institute" for radiesthesia and bioenergy
(life force), where more than 10,000 people were trained in the "Peter Hess Sound Massage" method, named after him and protected throughout Europe.
In 1994 the name was changed to "Institute for Sound Massage Therapy". In 2008 the name was changed again to "Peter Hess Institute" (PHI).
Currently, 16 Peter Hess Academies (PHAs) in 14 countries are affiliated with the PHI. In Germany there are currently 40 trainers authorized by Peter Hess or the PHI. In several European countries, more than 1000 people are now working according to his method of sound massage.
The European professional association sound massage therapy registered association was created in May 1999. It is a professional association and represents the interests of all those trained in the Peter Hess® sound methods. As a close cooperation partner of the Peter Hess® Institute (PHI), it is committed to the worldwide dissemination and further development of the Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods. It supports the trained in all questions of their professional practice of sound massage or sound methods. Since 2012, the FV is a member of the umbrella organization for free consulting and health promoting professions (FG).