In addition to rhythm and melody, sound can be understood as one of the three basic elements of music. Simply put, music can be described as an orderly system based on these three basic elements. These can also appear separate from each other, that is, for us, sound is more than a part of music.
From a physics point of view, sound can be understood as a vibration, as an acoustic signal that is transmitted by sound waves. *
What are sound waves?
The sound wave is an acoustic signal (noise, sound, tone or explosion) or a vibration in the air that we can perceive with our human ear.
For example, if we hit a Tibetan bowl, it begins to vibrate and sets the air around it in motion. If a Tibetan bowl is filled with water, for example, this back and forth movement can be clearly seen. The alternating movement created by this back and forth movement represents a periodic phase of compression and dilution of the air, as we can see in the following figure:

In air (at sea level and at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius), for example, the sound wave travels at a speed of around 330 meters / second. Water conducts the sound wave even better or faster than air, that is, at a speed of around 1,500 meters / second. If you consider that 70-80% of the human body is made up of liquid, you can easily imagine how the sound of a Tibetan bowl that has been heard propagates through it.
During a sound massage with Tibetan bowls, we use the air and the body as the main medium for the sound wave. This means that the acoustic signal is picked up through the ears and at the same time as a vibro-tactile stimulus directly through the body.
* Koller. Christina M. The use of sounds in the pedagogical fields of work. Using the example of the pedagogy of sound according to Peter Hess. Dr. Kovac: Hamburg, 2007, pp. 6-159).
*Peter Hess® Klangmassage Ausbildung. Klangmassage I.